Get to know the CCI Protocol

Nayax CCI protocol support enables the use of Nayax's cashless payment readers without the need for MDB converters (named interface in the CCI machine).



There are three Coffee Machine Types

There are three types of coffee machines:

Residential Coffee Machines

Indoor, household coffee machine.

Doesn't have a protocol.

Office Coffee Services (OCS)

Indoor coffee machine.

Located in offices and local businesses

Works with CCI protocol.

Coffee Vending Machine

Outdoor coffee machines.

Works with MDB protocol.


What is the CCI Protocol?



CCI stands for Coffee Credit Interface.
This protocol allows the coffee machine to communicate with external payment peripherals, such as cashless payment, bill validator, and coin mech.

In Nayax, we support the CCI protocol for the OCS (Office Coffee Services) industry.

The coffee machine and the payment peripheral are connected via an RS232 cable. In Nayax, we have a dedicated RS232 cable for this solution that replaces older interfaces and enables cashless payment readers without the need for MDB converters.

Note: The coffee machine needs to have an RS232 female cable, in order to connect Nayax's cable

Nayax’s solution enables cashless payments via swipe, contact, and the increasingly popular contactless transactions. With Nayax’s extensive support for payment options, including prepaid, employers can easily subsidize employee purchases, while letting additional visitors purchase via common bank cards and digital apps.

Similar to the MDB protocol, this protocol is designed as a master-slave communication protocol, where the Master is the coffee machine, and the Slave is the cashless device.




CCI Levels

The CCI Protocol supports several levels of implementation:

  • CCI Level 1 - The prices are set on Nayax backend (DCS)  in the machine's product map and sent to the machine in the machine's initialization process.
  • CCI Level 3 - The prices are set on the coffee machine. Upon purchase, the machine sends the product price to the server.
    If a machine works on level 3, it can use level 1 commands.
  • CCI Level 4 - Upon specific needs, this is an extension of the functionality between Nayax and the Machine manufacturer. A common practice is sending machine alerts.



CCI protocol and MDB protocol vary in the following ways:

  1. In CCI protocol, the machine does not update the device if the product was dispensed  
  2. Nayax machine must be defined as Pre-Selection and Transaction Start Method must be Product
  3. CCI protocol does not use DEX
  4. Machine alerts are not a part of the protocol, and can be implemented per machine manufacturer on CCI level 4

Cables and installation

The CCI is using a dedicated cable - VPOS Touch / Onyx / Fusion Cable Part Number is C150008.

Note#1: Nayax CCI protocol support enables the use of Nayax's cashless payment readers without the need for MDB converters!

Note#2: The coffee machine needs to have an RS232 female cable, in order to connect Nayax's cable


Connectors on the cable

40-PIN Connector - Mandatory

Connects to the Nayax device

RS232 DB9 Male - Mandatory

Connects to the RS232 DB9 female cable on the Coffee machine.


Connects to the LAN cable (Optional)

External Reader

Connects to external readers like QR reader (Optional)

Power Cable - Mandatory

Connects to the power supply


Power supply

Case electricity cannot come from the coffee machine

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